Monday, 28 October 2013

Psalm 23 Personalised

When reading Andy Flannagan's book "Distinctive Worship" I came across this exercise of personalising a psalm. It really helped me to visualise what psalm 23 meant to me:

You God, are my provider
You make sure everything I need is 'in stock'
You give me a 'spa day' in your presence
You turn my 'head-space' into a God-space
You are my energy drink
You Lord, are my Sat Nav and when I reach my destination it's to you I give the credit 

Even in those times when I receive the worst news ever and it feels like the light's gone out on life
I won't freak out
You stand so close I can feel your breath
Your arms are wrapped around me like a 'hug-in-a-mug'
When you discipline me and block my way I feel secure because I know you don't want me to walk down paths that are too difficult for me

When I'm faced with all the things the enemy throws at me, you throw me a party
You set me apart as a special guest
And give me way more than I need - abundant joy

You are chasing me with goodness and love
I believe they will hunt me down everyday
Each day I am determined to live where you live
To be a welcome home for your presence, forever 

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Momentum day 2

Just thought I`d put down in writing a few things that God`s been speaking to me about over these first 24 hours at Momentum.
As a worship leader I have for a few years been going to festivals to pick up some new songs to share with our church back home. Music is a tool I`ve used to encounter God since I was a child. Music is my language of emotion. It has been my therapy and my creative release. I even hear songs in my dreams.
  The human heartbeat is a musical rhythm. But a heart contains two chambers. This morning God showed me a picture of a heart with one chamber that was healthy and strong and one that had slightly withered. Sitting in David Westlake`s seminar on the roots of poverty and injustice I began to get choked up as I started to hear God`s heartbeat for the broken.
  When I first started at secondary school I used to try to keep my head down so as not to get noticed but then I started to become aware that there were people in my class who got  bullied. Something inside of me rose up so that I would speak out to defend them (not always with the most godly language in those days!) That made me a target and I ended up having a tough time for many years. I felt alone and that God-given desire to stand up for injustice shrivelled under the fear of standing out.
  Several years later I became ill with ME/CFS.  It felt like I had fallen out of the bottom of society. I`m so thankful for the support of my wonderful family and church who have all stood alongside me, plus the support of the welfare system and of course God. I can`t imagine what it would be like to go through that with no support. No one should have to stand alone.
  This was something that stood out in Mike Pilavachi`s talks, last night and this morning. We were not designed to live alone. God has always been community and we were made in his image.
  I`m not sure yet how God is going to ask me to apply all this. All I know, is that the closer I get to God in worship, the louder I hear his heartbeat and it`s a heart that grieves for the broken. In that place there is the still small voice of God whispering "No one should have to stand alone"

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Enjoy the journey

Why did God take 6 days to create the universe when He could have done it in a millisecond?!
The phrase "God saw it and it was good" explains a lot. God enjoyed creating and He wanted to take His time to delight in each part individually. This is also why He took a rest on the 7th day - to enjoy what He had created.

God could change everything that needs changing in our lives in a millisecond but often He chooses to take His time - perhaps because He simply and totally enjoys the process of creating something new. Instead of complaining that God is not working fast enough, let's take some time with Him, to enjoy each change He makes along the way.

Father God, today I choose to enjoy the journey :)