Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The Power of One Simple Prayer

Over the last year I`ve been reading the Soul Survivor Bible in One Year. I set myself two challenges: 1 to tweet on the Old Testament every day and 2 to write something that God had spoken to me on every chapter in the Bible.

I repeatedly prayed one simple prayer:
"Lord speak to me and through me. Amen."

Some days were harder than others and some chapters I engaged with more than others. Some days I had to sit for a while before I felt God saying anything and other days my pen couldn`t keep up with the thoughts coming into my head! The hardest times were when I missed a day and had to catch up a lot in one go.

It felt like I was only writing a small amount some days and I wondered if it was really worth it.

But d`you know what? I`ve just been through the painful task of counting (well estimating) the number of words I`ve written this year and the final figure comes out at about 150,000! That`s almost two PhDs! I`m amazed at how much God has spoken to me in one year.

At the start of this new academic year why not come before God again and ask him to speak to you. It`s a journey you`ll never regret.  In 1 Samuel 3 the priest Eli taught the young Samuel to pray "Speak Lord, your servant is listening"

As for me, I guess the next challenge will be to put into practice everything I`ve heard and that`s gonna be a whole other journey!